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  • eduroam


What is eduroam?

eduroam(education roaming) is a wireless LAN roaming access service developed for the international research and education community.
Members of eduroam participating institutions can use the wireless LAN resources of the institutions they visit without additional verification procedures.
If you are a member of eduroam institutions, you can access the eduroam SSID with your university's wireless LAN account (Wireless_LAN_ID@domein/password) when you visit other eduroam affiliated institutions around the world.

Status of institutions joining eduroam services

If 'eduroam' is found on the Wireless LAN List (SSID) when visiting domestic and foreign universities or research institutes, it is likely that it is an eduroam service subscription institution.
Please refer to the following sites for detailed status of the subscription institutions.

How to use eduroam

For members of the UOS visiting other institutions.
  • • If you are visiting an institution that has joined eduroam, you can use their WiFi in the following ways:
    • ① WiFi settings: Select wireless network name (SSID) "eduroam".
    • ② Login with <UOS_portal_ID>@uos.ac.kr / password entry.
    • ③ Use once certification is completed.

  • ※ The login method is same as the method of setting up wireless LAN (Member@UOS), but you must attach "@uos.ac.kr" when entering your ID.
    ※ If the version is windows 7/vista or less, you can run it after download the connection program. (download)
For members of other institutions visiting the UOS
  • • If your institution has joined eduroam, you can use the eduroam wireless LAN service of the University of Seoul in the following ways:
    • ① WiFi settings: Select wireless network name (SSID) "eduroam“.
    • ② Login with <Wireless LAN ID of your organization>@domain and password.
    • ③ Use after certification is completed.

  • ※ When you enter your ID, make sure to add "@domain" behind the id. For example: “myid@uos.ac.kr”
    ※ Log information will be kept for 6 months by the eduroam policy.